Uml Diagram Cheat Sheet


Every once in awhile, I have to draw a UML diagram. I rarely do serious designs with UML, however sometimes I do need to depict some piece of code in a diagram and UML seems to be the best notation around.

Unfortunately, various sources of information on UML tend to over-complicate things. I am not software architect and drawing UMLs is not my job. So my UML skills are poor by definition. Moreover, I am happy with this situation and don’t see it changing in the future (even if I get promoted ).

Uml Class Diagram Notation Cheat Sheet A UML Class Diagram showing cheat sheet. You can edit this UML Class Diagram using Creately diagramming tool and include in your. This reference covers the notation described in the OMG UML version standard, found Generally needed when entire static-model won't fit on one sheet. Mentioned above are all the UML diagram types. UML offers many diagram types, and sometimes two diagrams can explain the same thing using different notations. Check out this blog post to learn which UML diagram best suits you. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment. Collaborate in real-time on creating UML. Activity diagram Build message Inform application Send message Retry comm. timeout ack: TMsg ready Initial state Actio n state C ncu re t f k Concurrent join Object flow Sequential branch Final state Comm. Subsystem Swimlane Random + RandomGenerator + BigInteger + Fractional + Trigonometrics − RandomSeed Maths Package Package content.

So from time to time I need a simple UML reference card. Simple search finds references like this one, which are excellent if you are serious about UML, and I am not.

Eventually, I decided to write a short UML class diagram reference card for myself. I hope you will enjoy it as well.

I did all the examples in an open-source diagram editor called Dia. I recommend it by the way. And because it’s such a wonderful editor, here’s a complete cheat sheet (if you’d like to print it). UML cheat sheet. This is a small reference sheet for UML class diagrams. (Unified Modeling Language) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing.



So, this is how classes inherit one from another. Here Child class inherits from Parent Class.


This is how User class uses Resource class.

Uml Reference Pdf

Contains and manages

Types Of Uml Diagrams

Here, Whole class contains and manages Part class. This type of relation can be extended to one of the following:

  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many
SheetUml state diagram cheat sheet


Here, Whole class references to Part class, but does not manage it. Again, can be extended with:

  • One to One
  • One to Many
  • Many to One
  • Many to Many

Uml Class Diagram Cheat Sheet

This is enough information for now. I’ll probably extend it over time. In any case, please post your corrections and suggestions.