Norton Clean Up

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Norton Clean Up

​Why is cleaning up your computer important?

The Norton still has the tune up that removes temporary files etc, which helps stop things getting slowed up, and Windows disk cleanup helps clean and speed things up and can remove a lot of old redundant windows updates (it makes space rather than speeds things up really). Norton Remove and Reinstall tool helps to uninstall and reinstall Norton device security on Microsoft Windows operating system. To remove Norton on your Mac, read Remove all Norton programs for Mac using the RemoveNortonMacFiles tool. When you run the tool, it uninstalls the Norton currently installed and restarts your computer. Norton City-Wide Cleanup The Norton City-Wide Cleanup will be held Monday - Wednesday, April 19-21. More details will be available here as they are known.

Clean software helps protect your data. Internet security software and regular program updates help ensure that viruses, malware, and remote “hackers” stay out of your system. When you maintain your files by backing them up, deleting unused programs, and performing maintenance tasks like defragmenting the hard drive, you help ensure your computer can save your files without accidentally corrupting them.

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How to clean your computer’s software

Crack wise care 365 pro. Once your computer’s physical parts are clean, it’s time to attend to the programs that create and store your important information. Here’s how to keep your computer’s “mind” as clean as its “body:”

Norton clean up computer free
  • Back it up
    Backing up your data regularly is a must. A laptop or tablet can be replaced, but the information inside it might be irreplaceable. Generally speaking, there are two options for backing up data: you can make a copy in a physical location, such as on an external hard drive or thumb drive, or you can make a copy that is stored on the “cloud,” or online, in a secure location. Whichever you choose, commit to backing up your computer at least once per week, or more often if you are working on a critical document like a business contract or a collection of precious family photos.
  • Protect against malware
    Internet security software helps ensure that sneaky viruses and malware don’t get in and wreak havoc on your information—or worse, steal your identity.
  • Update your software and clean out old programs
    Outdated software is particularly vulnerable to malware, because most updates are created in order to keep software safe. Make sure your software is updated. While you do updates, check to make sure you’re actually using the programs on your system, and delete any you no longer use. This helps ensure that your computer doesn’t get bogged down with unnecessary data, and it limits the number of programs that malware might “hijack” in order to gain access to the system.

Tidy up your digital life

It’s time to delete those digital dust bunnies – that includes programs you don’t use and unimportant files littering your desktop. Here are a few quick tips to get started:

  • Cleanup your PC workspace
    Some programs automatically create a short-cut that will be displayed as an icon on your desktop. Deleting short-cuts that you don’t use will not delete the program, but it will keep your desktop clean and organized.
  • Get organized
    Create categories for your files (work, financial statements, family photos, kids’ homework, etc.), then create and label folders to bucket your files into. Delete unimportant items that don’t belong in either folder. When all is squared away – create a backup to save your files in a secure location other than your device hard drive.
  • Update your passwords
    Regularly updating your passwords across all accounts and devices is a good digital security habit to adopt even when you’re not spring cleaning. Passwords are the keys to accessing your digital life and more important data, like financial information. Make sure to use a complex and unique password for each account. A trusted password manager tool like can make logging into your favorite sites easier and more secure. Plus, always opt-in to two factor authentication when the services you use offer this in addition to password protection.

Don’t forget about your digital footprint

Your “digital footprint” includes all traces of your online activity, from commenting on news pieces or social media to making online purchases. Here’s how you can check on yours:

  • Enter your name into several search engines
    Use multiple search engines to perform a search for your first and last name. If you’ve recently changed your name, look up both your prior name and your current one. Try the common misspellings as well. Review the first two pages of results. Are they positive? Do they show you in a professional and respectable light? If anything comes up that you don’t like, ask the site administrator to take it down.
  • Double-check your privacy settings, but don’t trust them
    Privacy settings on social media allow you to control who sees your posts on your social media streams. Spend some time getting to know these settings so you can use them fully – for example, Facebook allows you not only to limit posts merely to “friends,” but also to make customized lists of people who can see certain posts. However, don’t assume that privacy settings will protect you anywhere but on the social media site that uses them. For example, some Facebook users have reported finding their “friends-locked” photographs as public images on Google Image Search.

Out with the old: wipe away your digital data

Donating and recycling old devices is a great way to de-clutter – just be sure you are not recycling your data in the process. If your data is recovered on an old device it can be used to commit identity theft or fraud. Make a secure backup of your irreplaceable photos and files with Norton Security with Backup. Then delete and wipe devices of all data and reset to factory settings. Lastly don’t forget to remove any SIM or memory cards.

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Editorial note: Our articles provide educational information for you. NortonLifeLock offerings may not cover or protect against every type of crime, fraud, or threat we write about. Our goal is to increase awareness about cyber safety. Please review complete Terms during enrollment or setup. Remember that no one can prevent all identity theft or cybercrime, and that LifeLock does not monitor all transactions at all businesses.

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Norton Remove and Reinstall tool helps to uninstall and reinstall Norton device security on Microsoft Windows operating system.

To remove Norton on your Mac, read Remove all Norton programs for Mac using the RemoveNortonMacFiles tool.

When you run the tool, it uninstalls the Norton currently installed and restarts your computer. After the computer restarts, the tool automatically downloads and installs the latest version of Norton. If you have any issues related to installing Norton after the computer restarts, read Install Norton device security.

Coolorus serial number. The Norton Remove and Reinstall tool can be used to:

  • Madvillainy free download. Remove the current product and reinstall the latest version of Norton

  • Remove Norton completely (Norton will not be automatically reinstalled)

    If you have Norton Family or Norton Secure VPN installed, uninstall them before you run the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

  1. Download the Norton Remove and Reinstall tool.

    Save the file to the Windows desktop. On some browsers, the file is automatically saved to its default location.

  2. To open the Downloads window in your browser, press the Ctrl + J key.

  3. Double-click the NRnR icon.

  4. Read the license agreement, and click Agree.

  5. Click Remove & Reinstall.

    You may only see the Remove option if your Norton product is from your service provider.

  6. Click Continue or Remove.

  7. Click Restart Now.

    After the computer restarts, follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall Norton. If you have any issues related to Norton installation after the computer restarts, read Install Norton device security.