Metabase Redash

Metabase - local install -because it's free, and because it is possible to stand up client type versions, and because it is easier to roll out to a team with less coding skills. It may be possible we could get metabase to do everything redash does, but for now, the convenience and lack of time to figure out how, both it is. Jan 16, 2019 Metabase hosting on Heroku is just as easy, and cheaper to use in the long term for small side projects. No aggregations can be done within visualizations, which in my view is a must-have with any dash boarding/reporting tool. Redash forces you to push that logic into SQL code, which results in redundant/complex queries. With Redash, you can write queries and display the results on sharable dashboards and visualizations. In its built-in SQL editor, you can create reusable code snippets and schedule alerts and data refreshes. This BI tool designed for developers has an easy clickable or drop-and-drag user interface.

  1. Metabase is an easy way to generate charts and dashboards, ask simple ad hoc queries without using SQL, and see detailed information about rows in your Database. You can set it up in under 5 minutes, and then give yourself and others a place to ask simple questions and understand the data your application is generating. What is Power BI?
  2. Redash Redash is a Business Intelligence tool that runs SQL queries and builds web-based visualization and dashboards as per your requirements. Pricing: Starts at $49/month and goes up to $450/month.

Over the years, the PostgreSQL community has come up with many high-qualityopen-source GUI tools for manipulating, visualizing and sharing the data livingin Postgres servers. Here is a round up of various types of useful GUI toolsthat can help you and your team manage and share your data.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Browser-based desktop GUI

Metabase Dashboard Tutorial

pgAdmin is the venerable quasi-official feature-rich GUI for PostgreSQL. It letsyou run queries as well as explore and examine every bit of your server anddatabases.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Browser-based desktop GUI

OmniDB also lets you run queries and explore and edit database objects. It alsosupports servers other than Postgres, including MySQL and Oracle. Supportsdebugging of user-defined functions (stored functions) written in PL/pgSQL.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Java/Eclipse-based Desktop GUI

DBeaver is similar to pgAdmin and OmniDB, with support for more RDBMS servers.Can generate ER diagrams from the schema automatically.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Single-binary Go-based web server

pgweb is a simple, easy-to-deploy tool that runs as a web server. You can viewdata, run queries and examine tables and indexes.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: BI tool, server install

Metabase is a business intelligence tool, that can help your team setup, runand visualize queries. Knowledge of SQL is optional. Supports RDBMS (and datasources) other than PostgreSQL also.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: BI tool, server install

Redash is also a business intelligence tool for teams, with a more hands-onapproach. It lets you write SQL queries directly and setup visualizationsand dashboard with more options and customizations.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Basic BI queries, dashboards; server install

Blazer is a Ruby-on-Rails gem that let’s users define queries, visualizationsand dashboards, and share them with their team. You’ll need to know your wayaround RoR to make use of this.

Apache Superset

  • Home Page:
  • Type: BI tool, server install, Python-based

Apache Superset is an incubating (pre-release) BI tool of the Apache SoftwareFoundation. It has a rich set of visualizationsand support for many data sources.

Apache Zeppelin

  • Home Page:
  • Type: Notebook, server install, Java-based

Metabase Superset Redash

Metabase superset redash

Zeppelin is a web-based notebook (like Jupyter for Python) from the ApacheSoftware Foundation. It lets you interactive explore the data from many sources(including PostgreSQL of course) with visualizations.


  • Home Page:
  • Type: Notebook, Online

Franchise is a web-based notebook that can connect to your local database usinga bridge tool, thus requiring no server installation. Supports data sources likeMySQL and BigQuery also.

Metabase Redshift


You can find even more links on the PostgreSQL Wiki,including commercial software, tools for ER diagrams, IDEs and more.

About pgDash

pgDash is a modern, in-depth monitoring solution designedspecifically for PostgreSQL deployments. pgDash shows you information andmetrics about every aspect of your PostgreSQL database server, collected usingthe open-source tool pgmetrics.pgDash provides core reporting and visualizationfunctionality, including collecting and displaying PostgreSQL information andproviding time-series graphs, detailed reports, alerting, teams and more.

Metabase Redash Superset

The Diagnostics feature in pgDash examines your PostgreSQL server and databasesscanning for potential issues that can impact the health and performance of thedeployment. No additional setup is required for Diagnostics - you just need tobe actively sending in data to pgDash. Learn morehere or signup todayfor a free trial.