Markdown Cheat Sheet

Markdowncheatsheetcoverimagev2.png Markdown standards are as diverse as they are popular. This cheat sheet provides you with a solid baseline of common commands along with some of the most fun, and unique, rendering options specific to GitLab and GitHub. Markdown Cheat Sheet. Table of contents h2 Tables h2 Horizontal line h2 Blockquotes h2 Code h2 Images h2 Links h2 Lists h2 Emphasis h2 h3 Reference Headers. Sass is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets. SassScript is the scripting language itself. Sass consists of.

Blockquotes Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text. This line is part of the same quote. This is a very long line that will still be quoted properly when it wraps. Oh boy let's keep writing to make sure this is long en. The first official book authored by the core R Markdown developers that provides a comprehensive and accurate reference to the R Markdown ecosystem. With R Markdown, you can easily create reproducible data analysis reports, presentations, dashboards, interactive applications, books, dissertations, websites, and journal articles, while enjoying the simplicity of Markdown and the great power of.

Markdown cheat sheet tableCheat

Markdown Quick Reference Cheat Sheet

Note: The instructions from this guide are referring to the Classic Editor. If you are using the WordPress block editor, please see this guide.

See the Markdown page for instructions on enabling Markdown for posts, pages and comments on your blog, and for more detailed information about using Markdown.

Markdown Cheat Sheet

Some themes may have different formatting for these styles

Inline Links

Most browsers show the title text when hovering over a link.

Please note that WordPress shortcodes, like [video] or [audio], will take priority over Markdown links and shouldn’t be used for link text.

A link.
Referenced Links

The reference section can be anywhere in the document

Some text with a link and another link.
Inline Images

The “Alt” text (alternative text) makes images accessible to visually impaired

Referenced ImagesSmaller logo:
Linked ImagesLinked logo:

Footnotes will be added to the bottom of the document, with a link back to the original reference

I have more 1 to say up here.
Line breaksWe do not support Markdown’s typical double-space to generate a line break due to our built-in auto-linebreaking function. A regular line break will generate a line break on output.
Bullet Lists
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
  • Item
Numbered Lists
  1. Item
  2. Item
Mixed Lists
  1. Item
  2. Item
    • Mixed
    • Mixed
  3. Item

Quoted text.

Quoted quote.

  • Quoted
  • List
CodeThis is code
Code block
Syntax highlighting

See Posting Source Code for supported languages


Closing hash marks are optional on all levels

Header 1

Header 2

Header 3

Header 4

Header 5

Header 6

Definition Lists
A semantic personal publishing platform
Text-to-HTML conversion tool

Formatting for definition lists may vary between themes


Definitions can be anywhere in the document

Markdown converts text to HTML.

These are some of the most useful Markdown features available on See the official Markdown project and Markdown Extra for details about all available features, and variations on the features mentioned here.

Versatile plans and pricing

  • Free

    Best for students

  • Personal

    Best for hobbyists

  • Premium

    Best for freelancers

  • Business

    Best for small businesses

Markdown is one of many ways, one of the better ones, of writing HTML without writing HTML. You use a more natural style to markup text and feed it to a Markdown conversion script which generates the corresponding HTML. Many sites on the net today natively (or via plugins) support Markdown markup (e.g: Tumblr). There are already a few cheatsheets (1, 2) for Markdown, but I made this one up anyway, since I wanted a different layout and something that fits in one A4 or Letter sized sheet of paper.

Below are standard (dark) and light versions, the latter more suitable for printing.

Markdown Cheat Sheet Jupyter

As with most of my projects, the sources (an Apple Keynote file; be warned: I am an utter amateur) are in GitHub and you are welcome to fork it for modifications.