Easy Blender

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  1. Carrot Cake Easy Blender Recipe
  2. Easy Blender Salsa
  3. Easy Blender Mayo
  4. Easy Blender Gazpacho
  5. Easy Blender Soup

Learning to model is crucial for anyone trying to master Blender. As the foundation of everything in 3D graphics, modeling is a necessary hurdle that every student will need to leap.

Luckily there’s plenty of help online to teach yourself how to model.

One of Blender’s best features is the large community behind it. Over the years they’ve created an abundance of learning resources and this guide offers the best of the best when it comes to modeling in Blender.

This blender from KitchenAid features a wide 56-ounce jar with a slightly concave base, so it’s easy to reach into every crevice with a cleaning brush. This isn’t just an easy-to-clean blender. Blender’s community has created some fantastic add-ons that can be extremely useful. One of these is the Open Street Map add-on which can generate real life buildings and street lay-outs fast. By visiting the main website Blender artists can export a map of any city they want. After installing the add-on and enabling it in Blender it’s easy. Prepare delicious smoothies and juices with this NutriBullet Pro 1000 single-serve blender. The powerful stainless steel blades break down seeds, nuts, and other tough ingredients, while the easy-twist blade design allows for effortless removal after each use. A compact construction promotes portability and convenient storage. Blender comes bundled with an awesome feature called Camera Tracking. Camera Tracking is a process that involves using real footage and tracking its motion so that 3D elements and VFX can be added to it.

No matter your budget or current skillset this list is sure to help.

Free Tutorials

Beginner Modeling Tutorial (Multipart)

Blender Guru is one of the most popular Blender YouTube instructors.

I often point students to these lessons when they’re just getting started with Blender in general.

In this series Blender Guru teaches the fundamentals of modeling. But instead of doing a car or a character, students will learn how to model a medieval blacksmith’s anvil.


Because modeling more complicated objects can be difficult for beginners. It’s likely they’ll run into trouble and give up. Blender Guru argues that starting with something simpler like an anvil is better for learning the principles of 3D modeling.

Character Modeling

After you’ve learned some of the basics it’s time to try a character.

Since characters are the bread and butter of most 3D graphics, it’s good to tackle this subject early on and keep practicing.

This 10-part series will walk you step-by-by through the modeling process in Blender. It covers everything from modeling a character’s face to the hands and feet.

With this series you will get an in-depth look at the first steps necessary to building high-resolution characters for video games or movies. These are the foundational skills needed to succeed in computer graphics so this lesson is essential for all beginners.

Modeling Charmander

In this tutorial by 3D artist Arturs Luksis you’ll observe the workflow of character creation in Blender.

More specifically you get to build a beloved Pokemon character from scratch with lots of guidance.

Starting with a low-poly model, the artist continues through the creation of the high-resolution character as well as texturing, rigging, weight painting, and animation.

Carrot Cake Easy Blender Recipe

This tutorial will teach the full workflow of character modeling in Blender. This is truly a powerful showcase of Blender’s tools and features.

Star Wars Tie Fighter

Focusing on hard surface modeling, top YouTube talent CG Geek demonstrates the process of creating a high-resolution Tie Fighter from the Star Wars universe.

CG Geek shows you how to take your modeling skills to the next level by using the mirror modifier to achieve perfect symmetry.

Add Blender’s subdivision surface modifier to pump up the detail without losing the original geometry. Working in this non-destructive manner will add lots of flexibility to your workflow.

The techniques in this video will translate well to other hard surface objects such as cars and planes where angular precision and tight geometry are key.

Gun Hard Surface Modeling

With this Oranhunter Modeling video you’ll get a chance to further develop your hard surface modeling skills by making a weapon.

Specifically you’ll be making a gun from Blizzard’s blockbuster game Overwatch.

This tutorial offers some tips and tricks for keeping your polygon count low without sacrificing detail.

By focusing on keeping good quads(four-sided polygons) it’s easier to develop a clean model from scratch. This will be important later when it comes to texturing and animating the object.

Oranhunter Modeling combines the mirror modifier and the subsurface modifier to gain accuracy, speed, and detail.

Combining these two modifiers is a common technique used by many Blender artists.

Create Any Low-Poly Animal

Low Poly scenes are still the rage and making them in Blender is a breeze once you learn the ropes.

In this video you’ll pick up some simple techniques for making low-poly models even if you’ve never done it before.

Grant Abbitt is a YouTube tutorial superstar who offers short videos and a relaxed teaching style. In this 10-minutes tutorial Abbitt walks you through the process of low-poly modelling with step-by-step instructions.

If you need some further explanation about the topics covered in this modeling tutorial, such as the mirror modifier, check the links in the description featuring even more of Abbit’s guides.

Game Asset Modeling

This advanced Blender tutorial by 3D artist AlienMinefield is targeted at those who are already comfortable with modeling in Blender.

You should know the basics of modeling and texturing before diving in since this can be a complex subject.

But this multi-part series teaches the workflow of game asset creation including object modeling, UV-unwrapping, and UV-packing.

Creating a complex model is difficult but planning can save you trouble down the road. Artists will often model an object in a way that makes it easier to add materials and this is exactly what you’ll learn here.

Artists looking to work in games will want to check out this Blender tutorial. The skills used to create industrial crates will easily lend themselves to other objects that you’ll find in a production workflow.

Blender Hair Tutorial

Creating hair in any 3D program is no easy task. But Nazar Noschenko will guide you through making realistic hair using particle systems in Blender.

By stacking particle systems and slowly working up the head from the base of the neck, 3D artist Nazar Norschenko achieves a highly sculpted and realistic figure with a stylish hairdo.

It’s a somewhat painstaking technique but the results speak for themselves.

If you want to achieve high resolution hair for your characters you’ll need to work with Blender’s particle system and hair settings. This video offers a fantastic intro to the subject.

After modeling the hair you’ll learn how to take it a step further and render the final image by adding color and other effects.


Blender has fully equipped lighting and rendering features that can be used to create almost any effect you desire.

Creating A Nature Scene

This wonderful tutorial by Wayward Art Company offers a step-by-step guide to constructing an elaborate nature scene in Blender.

Starting with a blade of grass, the instructor shows you how to build an inspiring scenic view complete with trees, mountains, and clouds. No detail is left out in this 45-minute Blender demo.

You’ll even learn how to use particle systems to add moss to your trees and rocks.

Once you’ve created the set pieces and added your lights, creating interesting images becomes a simple matter of positioning your camera and adjusting the scene.

Blender’s powerful rendering features give you plenty of possibilities to explore. Render often and adjust accordingly.

Simple Trees

This 15-minute tutorial video by Toxicity Game Dev teaches beginners an easy method for making an unlimited number of low-poly trees. In just a few minutes you could have a low-poly forest ready to go.

Aimed at game development, this tutorial will show you how to get the most out of Blender while making game assets.

One helpful trick is to set the origin of the object to its base.

Not only will it scale along the ground plane, but game engines like Unreal and Unity look for the origin when instantiating objects in the scene. This makes it easier to place them when building game levels.

Using these methods will make it easier to work with your models in any modern game engine.

Easy Blender Salsa

Rocket Plane Modeling

This half-hour video teaches a bunch of useful tools for modeling in Blender.

For example: you’ll learn how to make a WWII rocket plane as an easy introduction to hard-surface modeling. This step-by-step process can teach a whole lot so it’s best to move slowly and carefully.

This is a good tutorial for artists looking to hone their skills in creating vehicles for games.

3D Isometric Game Tiles

Here’s a fun guide teaching you how to create cute and colorful tiles for an isometric scene.

Follow along with the time lapse to see how the artist builds low poly models and applies materials to create the final look.

By playing with materials it’s relatively easy to get effects for dirt, grass, and water. Adding stones and individual blades of grass gives the scene a high-quality finish.

Create A Realistic City

Blender’s community has created some fantastic add-ons that can be extremely useful.

One of these is the Open Street Map add-on which can generate real life buildings and street lay-outs fast.

By visiting the main website Blender artists can export a map of any city they want. After installing the add-on and enabling it in Blender it’s easy to import the data and generate a copy of the map complete with buildings and real-life city layouts.

Open Street Map is powered by an open source community of mappers that contribute data about streets, buildings, and more.

By combining this add-on with Blender’s rendering tools you can follow along with this tutorial to create a beautiful cityscape within just one hour.

Awesome Modeling Hacks

Zacharias Reinhardt offers a list of 14 tips to improve your Blender experience. There’s also some links in the description to modeling courses for those looking to up their game.

These are some very handy tips that will save you time and frustration. Blender is a such a large program that it can take a long time to discover all the hidden shortcuts and special features.

Everything on this list is useful, but my personal favorites include combining the bevel and subdivision surface modifiers to get crisp, high-poly models. And resetting the key frame positions with a hidden shortcut.

Premium Courses

Premium video series are designed to accelerate your development by learning from high-quality sources.

Professional instructors and long-format tutorials offer a better approach for most people getting into the 3D world.

So whether you’re a complete beginner or just looking to take your skills to the next level, the following courses are a perfect place to start learning how to make amazing Blender artwork.

Intro to Modeling in Blender

This beginner’s guide will teach you everything you need to get started in Blender.

3D artist Justin Marshall teaches some of the skills that landed him a job at Sony Imageworks in Los Angeles.

This series focuses on foundational knowledge that will be used all the time as you progress in Blender.

After covering the most basic information about polygon geometry the instructor introduces all the tools needed for modeling in Blender.

Easy Blender

However this series takes a slightly different approach than other beginner tutorials. Instead of covering all the options for modeling in Blender, Justin Marshall narrows the focus to only the most useful tools.

Easy Blender Mayo

Creating Assets

In this tutorial series by artist Mark Masters you’ll explore how to make an asset in Blender from start to finish.

You’ll begin with a basic model and then move onto UV unwrapping and material creation.

Masters will take you through the process of building a realistic soda bottle using Blender 2.77.

Throughout the series you’ll find expert advice on Blender’s toolset to create polished, professional assets. Perfect for anyone looking into 3D work as a career.

By the end of this course you’ll have all the skills necessary to take full advantage of Blender’s asset creation pipeline and bring your own ideas to life.

Designing & Modeling a Sci-fi Prop

3D environment artist Denis Osmanbegovic covers a lot in this series along with sharing a few skills that landed him a job as an artist on Halo 5.

With this course you’ll learn how to create a 3D sci-fi prop for a game or movie all from scratch.

Easy Blender Gazpacho

You’ll begin by learning how to adjust Blender’s settings to get the most of the modeling tools before moving onto shaping a basic object. Then you’ll learn how to apply materials and lighting to create a rendered image.

Osmanbegovic’s goal is to teach you how to use Blender efficiently so that you can be more productive as you continue learning.

Creating a Cartoon-style Character

This lengthy series from Pluralsight teaches the ropes of character creation in Blender.

Easy Blender Soup

By exploring various modeling techniques, instructor Costas Frost teaches you how to work on your own and encourages everyone to experiment with Blender’s toolset.

This video course focuses heavily on cycles rendering and cycles materials. By the end you’ll have a solid grasp of the Blender character modeling workflow.

Designing a Low Poly Game Environment

Moving back into low-poly work we have this incredible series tailor made for environment artists.

Anyone looking to work in mobile game development or as a freelancer will want to check out this course by Jeannot Landry.

Game content creation is one of the most common jobs for freelance 3D artists. In this Blender series you’ll learn some techniques for creating low polygon environments that are perfect for mobile gaming.

You’ll also study the pipeline for hand-painted assets and environment creation using Blender. By the end of this series you should have enough knowledge to build your own game assets and start building up that 3D portfolio.

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Being sure to eat a variety of plenty of fruits and vegetables is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. A blender is a good way to make these fruits and vegetables more enticing by turning them into smoothies and juices that are appetizing, filling, and quick and easy to make.

Blenders and soup makers can make other nutritious foods in addition to juices and smoothies, too, such as soups, desserts, dips, salsas, and sauces.

There are many benefits to blending. The biggest blending benefit is the short length of time it takes to make a nutritious smoothie or snack without losing all of the ingredients nutritional value.

Superfood cocktails are a popular choice and blending them up makes them a lot easier to consume. Some superfoods include Maca, spirulina, Goji berries, Chia seeds, flax seeds, and protein powder.

Antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids are critical components of an individual’s diet and aid in cholesterol, blood, joint, brain, nerve, and immune health. You can’t get your body’s recommended serving of these essential nutrients from the foods you eat alone.

If you blend all of the ingredients, however, you are getting their full nutritional value while not wasting any of those nutrients.

Nowadays, there are lots of blender and healthy smoothie recipes on the Internet such as green smoothie recipes, fruit and vegetable smoothies and even green tea smoothies to name just a few. Then there are the ingredients think about. Who would have thought that throwing fruit and vegetables in together would make a delicious smoothie?

You can throw loads of ingredients into a blender such as fresh fruit, lemon juice, olive oil, Greek yogurt, raspberry ice cream, orange juice, or even peanut butter for a delicious smoothie recipe. The list is endless.

Considerations When Buying A Blender

  • Motor Size
  • Design and Construction
  • Pitcher Size
  • Controls

Ninja Professional Blender Recipes

With the Ninja Blender, you can make delicious smoothies in just minutes and provide your body with the fiber, nutrients, and vitamins that your body needs.

1. Energize Me Smoothie


  • Once cup of chilled orange segments
  • Half a cup of chilled grapefruit segments
  • Half a cup of brewed and chilled Earl Grey tea
  • ​3/4 cup of orange sherbert
  • Four crushed ice cubes


  • Combine the fruit ingredients with the tea in the Ninja Professional Blender
  • Run the blender until the mixture is smooth
  • ​Once smooth, begin adding the ice cubes and the orange sherbert
  • Process the mixture again with all of the ingredients until it is very smooth

This is a great smoothie to make in the morning for breakfast. It will provide you with that extra burst of energy you will need to make it through the day.

The Earl Grey tea provides a suitable amount of caffeine without the bitter taste of coffee.

2. Green Goblin Smoothie


  • One peeled and segmented orange
  • One peeled and chopped banana
  • ​Six fresh strawberries
  • ​Two cups of fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt
  • One cup of ice


  • Place the fruit and spinach into the blender and blend for thirty seconds
  • Add the yogurt and the ice and continue to blend until smooth
  • Now it is ready to serve

This recipe only has 283 calories and 1.1 grams of fat. If you make extra, it can be frozen and taken out 30 minutes prior to serving.

It is a nice pick-me-up in the morning while providing your body with essential nutrients. It also makes a great smoothie to work into your post workout routine.

Salsa Blender Recipe

Most people think smoothies when they think of using a blender, but there are several other recipes that you can make quickly and easily including fresh salsa.

3. Magic Bullet Seven - Salsa


  • Half a cup of cherry tomatoes
  • 1/4 of a jalapeno pepper
  • ​One to two cloves of fresh garlic
  • One sprig of fresh cilantro (optional)
  • ​1/4 cup of onion
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Place all of the ingredients into the Magic Bullet starting with the cherry tomatoes and work down to the salt and pepper in that order
  • Pulse the ingredients several times. The salsa should remain chunky
  • ​Keep pulsing until you reach the consistency you want
  • Serve with your favorite chips and enjoy

The Seven-Second Salsa Recipe is a basic recipe and can always be altered according to taste. You can add or subtract the ingredients you want to make it customized with the flavors you are craving.

This recipe yields two and a half cups of salsa and is 15.9 calories per serving.

4. Magic Bullet Salsa - Second Salsa


  • 1/4 cup of onion
  • 1/4 of a jalapeno pepper
  • Eight to ten cherry tomatoes
  • One to two cloves of garlic
  • Small sprigs of cilantro
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Place all of the ingredients into the blender in the order they are listed
  • Pulse the ingredients several times but do not over pulse
  • ​Repeat the pulsing process until you achieve the consistency you want
  • Serve with chips and enjoy

The Magic Bullet Salsa recipe yields approximately four servings and is about 13 calories per serving. The fresh ingredients make the salsa taste better while maintaining all the essential nutrients your body craves. You won’t miss the premade salsa you buy at the store.

The Magic Bullet makes the process quick and easy, so there is minimal time to wait to enjoy an excellent homemade salsa.

Blender Milkshake Recipes

Blenders also make it easy to enjoy a homemade milkshake while being able to control the ingredients you include and the number of calories you are intaking.

5. Easy Chocolate Milkshake With Ninja Blender


  • 3/4 cup of milk
  • 1/4 cup of chocolate flavored syrup
  • Three scoops of vanilla ice cream


  • Blend milk and syrup for under five seconds in the Ninja Blender
  • Add the ice cream to the blended mixture and blend on low speed
  • ​Blend until the mixture is smooth and creamy
  • Serve right away

The chocolate milkshake recipe can be altered to fit any dietary restrictions or needs. Low-fat milk or almond milk can be used along with sugar-free syrup and frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. A few simple changes can alter the number of calories and can be made according to taste and preference.

This recipe only takes a few minutes of your time and only three ingredients.

Easy Blender Soup Recipe

6. Magic Bullet Turbo Tomato Soup


  • Twelve cherry tomatoes
  • One clove of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of vegetable stock
  • 1/3 cup cream, milk, or yogurt


  • Place tomatoes, garlic, and vegetable stock into the steamer lid of your Magic Bullet
  • Steam the mixture in the microwave for three minutes
  • ​Add the cream, milk, or yogurt to the mixture
  • Blend until the soup is smooth

Turbo Tomato Soup is an easy recipe that requires few ingredients but is packed with flavor and so simple to do. The entire process takes less than ten minutes to do, and it yields a one serving size portion of soup.

The Magic Bullet Blender

The Magic Bullet Blender is a high-quality blender that is affordable and compact. It can aid you in creating several of your own recipes including smoothies, soups, salsas, and so much more.


  • Comes with two small mugs
  • Versatile with the ten-second motor
  • 120-watt motor
  • 9” tall and compact
  • Simple and straightforward controls
  • Dishwasher friendly


  • Poor at chopping vegetables
  • One to two person servings
  • Motor can overheat

The Ninja Professional Blender

The Ninja Professional Blender is a high-quality and high-powered blender that features an 1100-watt motor for a powered blending experience. It is ideal for crushing ice and frozen fruits in just seconds.


  • 72 oz capacity
  • Easy maintenance
  • ​Dishwasher friendly
  • Total Crushing Technology


  • Does not include a glass container
  • Single serve only


Blending is a really easy and fast way to make a tasty snack or even a meal. Depending on the volume you need you should consider buying the right blender for the task.

The Magic Bullet Blender is a really affordable and compact blender but is pretty much made for single servings and such a compact form also has the drawback of a weaker motor so it won't blend things as easily.

On the other hand The Ninja Professional Blender is a full sized classic blender with an incredible 1100W motor that will blend virtually anything but such power and quality comes at a price. Consider your needs and what you want to do with your blender and pick accordingly.