Sfzc Online Zendo

Quick Links Online Zendo - Meditation, Dharma Talks, and Ceremonies Thursday Drop-in Practice Sessions with Abbot David Zimmerman & Guest Teachers. Filesyscheck cfg download. $125 or more/month USD125 Free One-Day Sittings and Practice Period classes at Green Gulch Farm and City Center Free online classes (including online practice periods) $75 off one overnight stay at any SFZC location (Currently closed; discount does not expire). Plus $75+ benefits: Meal voucher for two at Greens Restaurant 15% off Tassajara retreats Invitations to members-only. Branching Streams is a network of affiliate Dharma centers and Sanghas in the Zen lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. Learn about the latest news from affiliate sanghas with Tova’s newsettes and other timely articles. San Francisco Zen Center 300 Page Street San Francisco, California 94102.

Here is the place; here the way unfolds. — Eihei Dōgen Zenji

Welcome to San Francisco Zen Center's Online Zendo. A variety of zendo-related events are hosted here. They are open to all and require no registration. See Online Zendo Schedule below.

  • Zazen Meditation – Monday through Friday morning and evening; Saturday morning
  • Dharma Talks – Wednesday evening, Saturday morning, and Sunday morning
  • Ceremonies – daily service follows meditation; other ceremonies appear on the main calendar, usually follow morning or evening meditation, and are announced by the Zoom host
  • Meditation Instruction – offered live Saturday morning, 8:10 – 9:10 am PT. Also, please see our archive of recorded instruction sessions.
  • Daily Schedule Modifications – The daily schedule is modified during sesshins, particularly the morning portion. For upcoming sesshin dates, please check the website calendar, which you can sort by Event Type; choose 'Sitting Meditation and Sesshins.'

The schedule and details about the Online Zendo offerings are listed below.


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Sfzc Online Zendo

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The online zendo meets using Zoom video conference technology. You can enter the online zendo using Zoom video conferencing on desktop computer, ipad, mobile devices, and phone.

Join the Online Zendo using Zoom

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Meeting ID: 264-616-8381
Passcode: 805991

Sfzc online zendoSfzc online zendo

By phone:
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number
See Tips for Using Zoom

Sfzc Online Zendo

Sfzc Online Zendo

Please review these documents:
Online Zendo Forms
Online Zendo Guidelines & Etiquette

Online Zendo Schedule

Zazen and Service

Monday – Friday
5:35 - 5:50 amOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 5:50 am open zazen
5:50 - 6:50 amZazen (60-minute period with an interval as indicated below)
5:50 - 6:15 amZazen
6:15 - 6:20 amInterval (indicated by a small bell at beginning and end; this is a time that can be used for stretching, standing, or adjusting one's zazen posture)
6:20 - 6:50 amZazen
At 6:50 amSingle bell followed by Robe Chant (shown in the Zoom chat window)
6:50 - 7:05Short service including bowing & chanting*
*Chants will be available in the Zoom chat window; please have that open so you can follow along
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
5:15 - 5:30 pmOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 5:30 pm open zazen
5:30 - 6:10 pmZazen (40 min)
No evening service
5:15 - 5:30 pmOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 5:30 pm open zazen
5:30 - 6:30 pmPractice Session with Abbot David Zimmerman & Guest Teachers
These interactive practice sessions include 25 minutes of zazen, a dharma reflection or encouragement from the teacher, and an opportunity for group practice sharing and discussion. 2021: Not meeting 2/11, 3/18
6:15 - 6:30 amOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 6:30 am open zazen
6:30 - 7:00 amZazen (30 min)
7:00 amSingle bell followed by the Well-Being Ceremony (chant and names will show in Zoom chat window)
8:10 - 9:10 amZazen / meditation instruction; offered live most Saturdays — see our archive of recorded instruction sessions
9:25 - 10:00 amZazen (35 min)
5 - 6 pmPractice Session with Abbess Furyu Nancy Schroeder
This session features 20 minutes of zazen, a brief Dharma reflection from the abbess, and an opportunity for group interactive discussion.

Upcoming Ceremonies - Refer to the calendar

Dharma Talks

7:30 - 7:45 pmOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 7:45 pm begin the talk
7:45 - 8:30 pmDharma Talk
10 - 10:15 amOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 10:15 am begin the talk
10:15 - 11 amDharma Talk
11 amQ&A
10 - 10:15 amOpening Zoom and settling into seat; three bells at 10:15 am begin the talk
10:15 - 11 amDharma Talk
11 amQ&A